But occasionally I fall into temptation, and picked up the following problem:
[4][ ][ ] [ ][ ][3] [ ][9][ ]
[5][1][ ] [ ][4][8] [ ][2][7]
[ ][2][ ] [ ][9][ ] [ ][8][ ]
[ ][4][ ] [3][7][ ] [2][ ][ ]
[7][ ][2] [ ][8][ ] [9][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][6] [ ][1][ ] [ ][5][3]
[ ][ ][7] [8][6][ ] [4][ ][9]
[9][6][ ] [ ][ ][7] [ ][ ][2]
[ ][ ][4] [ ][ ][1] [ ][7][ ]
Apparently DEAD EASY to do. It took me about 2 minutes.
Except the last 4 squares, which are impossible.
I'm almost annoyed enough to almost go learn what the rules for making a sudoku are, and find out which one this particular sudoku has broken.